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Paver Spacers
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Protect your pavement with eco-friendly tile spacers
A coating made with PaveSpacer maintains your brick, concrete and natural tiles in the laid pattern and ensures against slipping due to driving or frequent use. PaveSpacer also secures your pavement against break off in corners and edges of tiles, and provides a uniform joint width and professional result with a long service life.
Cold and heat do not affect PaveSpacer, as it is produced according to the Nordic climate and from the raw material Polyethylene. This type of plastic can withstand + 100° and down to – 50° Celsius, which is necessary if you want to avoid having to lay your tiles again due to broken spacers.
The sustainable choice for your tiles
All PaveSpavers are made of the material Polyethylene – also called PEHD. We have chosen to use this type of plastic as it is non-toxic, strong and recyclable.
PaveSystems uses circular economy in production. All waste material or end-of-life products are taken back, ground, granulated and made into new smart products.
How to begin your paving project
Choose the size and shape of your tiles. Then, figure out how many spacers you need. We have made it easy for you to calculate how many PaveSpacers are required for your project. You can find our calculator under Technique page.
Do you have questions or need consulting on your project? Look in our Gallery for inspiration or contact us for a chat and some guidance in the use of PaveSpacers. You are also always welcome to contact us for advice and guidance on the use of PaveSpacers.
Calculate number of tile spacers needed
Input the size of the area you want to tile and your tile dimensions.
Number of PAVE-T to be used: 0
Number of PAVE-X to be used: 0
m2: 0
Tiles: 0
Paver spacer T shape 20mm x3mm thick