Home Industry & Education Hospital Products Baby Bassinet Add To Favourites Remove From Favourites We make them here in NZ from quality materials Made from high impact acrylic to make them durable. Used in New Zealand's hospitals since the 1990's. Made to fit current trolleys. Measurements: Overall, Height: 250mm Width: 420mm Length: 750mm Weight: 3kg Inside top, 705 x 385mm Outside bottom, 350 x 340mm NZ $350.00 Excl GST Add to cart Category Hospital Products Share
We make them here in NZ from quality materials Made from high impact acrylic to make them durable. Used in New Zealand's hospitals since the 1990's. Made to fit current trolleys. Measurements: Overall, Height: 250mm Width: 420mm Length: 750mm Weight: 3kg Inside top, 705 x 385mm Outside bottom, 350 x 340mm
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